Wednesday 25 May 2016

Foreseeing Is Fun And it Doubles When You Get To Win!

All I wanted to do was just have a little bit of fun and engagement at my spare time. Online gaming was fun but sitting and completing entire levels, apart from time consuming, was not really my type. Scrolling through, I came across It was a gaming site but was a bit different. After browsing a little I figured out that it was quite a different gaming platform entirely.

There were many contests running and at the opening page of the site there were many categories enlisted under which the games were tagged. I was kind of awestruck by the umpteen variety of the choices, provided. My happy smile broadened up and more like a shopper having full privilege to buy anything she wants at the supermarket, free of cost, I gladly started my stroll to pick up the game I wanted to play.

The category Mind Matters caught hold of my attention.

Who doesn’t like challenge? Moreover if rewards are entwined with it, the fun quotient peps up.

The Mind Matters category had a question related to an iconic actor. You had to read the question with all the embedded hints. At every hint a new option unfolds and comes to mind. I took a leap of faith, guessing the answer and trust me to all its true senses, I thoroughly enjoyed the experience. In terms of customer engagement I would rate this site a happy five star because, indeed I loved participating in the game and it was interestingly engaging.

Getting your customers engaged and that too for an extended period is difficult. With the arrival of new products almost every day, the process is even more difficult. But, there are ways by which you can get the best of it. Here’s how…
Whenever there comes the factor of picking out or guessing, a ‘finger crossed & hope to win” tag comes in mind. Isn’t it? Same was for me when I played this game and you really got to believe me I actually won the third prize. A hair straightener. Can you believe it? I was more than happy and since then I really am a genuine fan of this site and a consistent player.

Gifts always bring happiness and if you have won it on your merit, no happiness tastes sweeter. Guys I will really tell you give it a try you will surely love it.

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